Car Import Duty in Grenada

Car Duties in Grenada
Grenada is a Right Hand Drive country in the Caribbean and our divisions in Thailand, Singapore, Australia and England can send both new and used RHD cars, 4WD pickup trucks, 4×4 Sport Utility Vehicles, luxury vehicles, MPVs, vans, trucks and buses.
Duty on new car is around 60%, and on used cars 1 to 4 years old is 127%. Duties on cars older than 5 years are a whopping 157.6% of the CIF landed costs. See chart below for details for exact duty.
Duties in Grenada are compounded:-
CIF:- Cost, Insurance, Freight: is the total cost to get a Car onto the Grenada Port
CET: Common External Tariff :- is 25% of the CIF price
EVL: Environmental Levy :- is 30% of the CIF price
CSC: Customs Service Charge:- is 5% of the CIF price
Excise Tax:-is 40%, & is Calculated on CIF + CET + EVL + CSC added together
VAT: is then Calculated as 15% of all these other taxes –{CIF + CET + EVL + CSC + Excise}
If you land a 5 year old car in Grenada CIF $16,505.00 USD
CET =$4126.25
EVL =$4951.50
CSC =$825.25
Excise =$10563.20
VAT =$5545.68
Total duties = $26,011.88 USD, or 157.6% of the CIF Value
Here are overall duties and taxes on motor vehicle imported into Grenada: