Custom Duty in St Kitts and Nevis
Custom Duty in St. Kitts and NEvis
Custom duties 45%,
VAT 17%
Total Custom duty 83.63%
Environmental Levy | |
Car manufacturing year | Levy |
4 years | $5000 E.C |
2 years | $3500 E.C |
Less than 2 years | $1000 E.C |
The current Customs tariff nomenclature of St. Kitts & Nevis is based on the WCO Harmonized System (HS) Convention. Customs duties and taxes are collected based on the value which is derived from the value stated on the invoice, receipt or other proof of purchase.
The dollar value must be converted from the foreign currency stated on the proof of purchase document to Caribbean Dollar XCD. An exchange rate for the conversion of foreign currency to XCD is published by Eastern Caribbean Central Bank. Other foreign currency rates are subject to change and are updated weekly in conjunction with the Central Bank.
Customs Import Duties are applicable according to the rates set out in the Common External Tariff of the Caribbean Common Market. The rates are applied based on the (Cost, Insurance and Freight )- CIF. Rates applicable ranges from 0 to 45% with the majority of commodities attracting a rate of 25%. Following are the tariffs for some major categories
Machinery Goods in Primary Forms, Machinery and Parts, Raw Materials, Textile Fabric, Chemicals, Office Equipment, Hand Tools – attracts a rate of 0% to 10% based on the tariff classification.