Import Duty in Afghanistan
Importing Cars in Afghanistan
All diplomats and foreigners with work permit may import a vehicle. Tourists are not allowed to import vehicles. Import taxes and duties are around 25% of the value but customs officers estimate the value which can be arbitrarily high, this is why it is important to work with a clearance agent with prior experience in vehicle clearance.
Diplomats, of course, are exempted from paying duties and taxes. Documents needed for import customs clearance are as follows:
- Passport Copy
- Vehicle’s original registration
- Original sales contract or Invoice (if the vehicle is not owned by the shipper)
- Copy of shipping document
- Tax exemption form in case of diplomats
- Request letter for customs clearance permission to Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Finance
- Memo from the Embassy / NGO organization (diplomatic status)
Import regulations can change anytime so please check current import duty and required documentation and update us.